News & Ideas - Statement from Charles F. Kettering Foundation President and CEO Sharon L. Davies on Ohio’s August Special Election
Yesterday, Ohio voters resoundingly defeated Ohio Issue 1, a ballot initiative that would have made it more difficult for citizens to make changes to their state charter when their elected officials are out of sync with the public will.
The defeat of Issue 1 is a victory for democracy. It upholds the principle of one person, one vote and retains the standard for passing a citizen-initiated ballot measure at a simple majority. This is a rule that has served Ohioans well for over a hundred years. It ensures that all citizens can have their voices heard.
At the Kettering Foundation, we understand that the fight over Issue 1 was important not only to Ohioans. It was a clarion call to any American concerned about government accountability and the preservation of our democracy.
The Foundation will be hosting a nonpartisan conversation about the significance of the Issue 1 fight and other threats to democracy on September 7 at the Athletic Club in Columbus, Ohio. For more details, please stay tuned to our social media accounts.